Beginner’s Bootcamp!

August 12 - 16, 9:30am - 10:30am

Temple Beth Shalom, Arnold Md

Beginner’s Bootcamp is a group class for students who have never played before and want to get started on the cello, or who have recently started cello at school but have never had private lessons. It is designed primarily for students age 8 - 12, but anyone interested in going over the fundamentals is welcome to join!

We will focus on the basics; set up, posture, bow hold, tuning, and by the end of the week each student will be have be able to play 4 - 8 pieces from memory!

You will need a cello and a bow, a rockstop and rosin. Recommended but not required; a tuner and metronome, or tuner and metronome app.

Can you participate in both the Bootcamp and the Youth Institute? Absolutely! When you register, indicate that you want to participate in both, you will be charged the tuition for the institute only.

Tuition: $125